Ema Strakošová

Office Management

I do everything in the company, except data and web analytics. You could say that I am an assistant to our Team Leader Martin. This means that I am always at his side when it comes to operational activities. At the same time, I am available to our entire Pilsen office, making sure that my colleagues are happy in the company, that they do not miss anything and that they always find something good to eat in the kitchen. 🙂

My work can be monotonous, for example when I work in spreadsheets, but at the same time it is very flexible and varied. This variety is mainly hidden in the organisation of our teambuilding events, where I can get a little creative, or for example when dealing with outsourced workers.

I think I create a strangely positive energy in the company. By coming from the complete opposite side of the industry and not really doing data stuff, I bring a different perspective to the company and thus a different kind of atmosphere. 

Ema’s plan

I’m not a web guy or a data guy, so I don’t use any special tools. But what I do use on a daily basis is the classic Google Workspace. Mostly it’s gmail, calendar, sheets and docs. In the future, maybe I would like to try something with our website, so I would like to expand my awareness of WordPress. 

I’d also like to focus more on understanding people, how to accommodate individual requests and how to assertively handle criticism without taking it personally. So I would like to advance my communication and psychological skills.

How did it all start?

A position popped up on me in an internet search engine. I was actively looking for a part-time job and the ad from Archetix caught my eye. It’s a big draw and a challenge for me, as data and web analytics is terribly far from my field and I have no experience in it.

In the (so far) short time I’ve been with the company, I’ve deepened my knowledge a lot about what can actually be done with data and what can be achieved with it.

Hobbies and interests outside work

I study Special Education at University of West Bohemia and my biggest interest is actually school. I really enjoy what we learn there. My other part-time job is babysitting and it’s great to see how theory can be applied in practice and most importantly that it works. At the same time, I’m very interested in child rearing, so I enjoy reading about that.

I also enjoy reading fantasy books, which are basically aimed at girls 😀. I enjoy tattooing, but I don’t tattoo (with exceptions) on people, only on myself.

I enjoy trail biking in the summer, which has given me countless bruises, but it’s always been worth it. We often combine this with camping and riding in the countryside with friends.

I also relax with soap operas, I like to watch a sitcom I’ve seen a thousand times before. Some of my classics are The Simpsons, How I Met Your Mother, and BoJack Horseman.

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