Case study: analytics for NanoSPACE

The Czech family company nanoSPACE was the first manufacturer in the world in the field of anti-mite coatings, blankets and pillows with a nanofiber membrane.During the coronavirus epidemic in 2020, nanoSPACE used its long-term knowledge in the field of nanofiber materials and started the production of nanofiber masks and anti-virus scarves.Thanks to the long-term sale of nanofiber masks and respirators, the company nanoSPACE almost overnight became a medium-sized e-shop with hundreds of orders per day.

In a socially and economically heated time, nanoSPACE gained a lot of media and customer attention, which allowed them to move the business forward in a digital environment. They dedicated the year 2020 to automation and deeper integrations of advertising and evaluation systems to manage advertising costs. Among many other activities, the company focused on the development and analysis of its own website and e-shop

Client needs

Due to the specific assortment, which became scarce day by day during the pandemic, nanoSPACE had to be sure that their website and e-shop users understand and can access all the necessary information and products. Our task was to reveal all errors and bottlenecks that could be easily removed, while respecting Shoptet’s limitations.

“We needed to break out of the perspective of conventional web analytics and address why certain things happen instead of the classic “how much”. At the same time, we wanted to see the site through the eyes of our customers and understand what they are looking for and what they need. It was also key to see if they understood the added value of our products and the entire website,” comments Lucie Konečná, Managing Director of nanoSPACE. 

“We had been looking at Smartlook for some time as we were looking for a way to user test the site without having to create individual test panels. However, in our daily work it was difficult for us to adapt this technology and therefore we were looking for a suitable partner. Thanks to Archetix we were able to quickly implement the tool and set up all the necessary events, heat maps and user identification. The user identification helped especially our support in tracking down problems and ambiguities that users mentioned in chat,” says Lukáš Konečný, who manages the company’s strategy and development.

The basic problem was that nanoSPACE switched to Shoptet from the previous solution (Prestashop) almost overnight. At that time, a small team dealt with everything at once, from the automation of order processing with the Skladon full-fillment service to automatic posting in the accounting system, advertising budgeting and cashflow management, because the company suddenly needed millions of crowns for goods. There was no time left in the team to optimize the frontend, and the e-shop was losing dozens of conversions every day.

”There was no time to go and try out what Smartlook could do and learn with the tool. We needed someone to deploy (and set up) Smartlook, collect the data and then analyze it thoroughly. We had our own hypotheses about how customers behave on the web, but we didn’t have the capacity to validate them. Archetix helped us tremendously in this regard. They took our brief and based on the data they were able to answer everything accurately.” says Lukáš Konečný.

“Thanks to the user tagging using the Smartlook API and a clear methodology for tagging campaigns using UTM, we were able to trace users from specific campaigns at the client. We were also able to connect users with specific features that were implemented on the e-shop (chat windows, promo modules, bars with shipping and delivery information),” explains our analyst and implementer Marek Čech, who took care of the project on behalf of Archetix.


Smartlook was set up for the client with all advanced features, which include, most importantly, Smartlook API that refines data collection by identifying users and custom events. Over 20 heatmaps were created for key pages, dozens of events and three main funnels. Throughout the project, Smartlook was turned on in “Always-on” mode – i.e. it recorded all visitors to the site. This setup then made it easier to decipher the problems of specific users that came together for support.

The subsequent analysis of the collected data, which is equally important, was then carried out in collaboration between the client’s team and our analysts. At nanoSPACE, they dealt more with content and design issues (mainly because they know their website and industry better), while we focused on analyzing technical factors.


Thanks to Smartlook, we discovered about two dozen errors and UX challenges on the e-shop, which caused users to complain about the purchase.

We created priorities for individual points and supplemented them with ideas and innovations that we had prepared in the backlog. 

We also took a detailed look at the site journey for users coming to key landing pages or from specific campaigns. We thereby revealed other areas for improvement. The client was subsequently introduced to these outputs.

“Thanks to the implementation of Smartlook and the subsequent analysis, we were able to take a quick look at the most beneficial adjustments at a key time. After the adjustments, the cart and entire shopping funnel experience improved, support inquiries decreased due to a clearer website, and sales of key products increased.” Lukáš Konečný sums up the cooperation and adds, “We plan to continue working with Smartlook in six-month cycles and especially during major website modifications, when its role is invaluable in user testing of the website.”

On the recommendation of the Archetix, they tested e.g. the positions of individual methods and transport in the cart in nanoSPACE, modified the chatbot (hiding on certain pages, watching the overlay, moving to another position, avoiding aggressiveness) and reprogrammed the sticky header. The programming of clickable buttons and the creation of landing pages with the main advantages of the e-shop on the homepage met with great success.

“The analysis also confirmed the functionality of the various add-ons we have active on Shoptet. These are mainly gifts, complementary goods and Foxentry.” adds Lukáš Konečný in the end.

If you are not sure whether your users understand your website, or you want to test new features or detect errors that are invisible at first glance, think of Smartlook as an invaluable helper.

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