ChatGPT and how we use it at Archetix

ChatGPT, or Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer, is an artificial intelligence developed by OpenAI. It uses an advanced language processing model called GPT. We started using ChatGPT at Archetix at the beginning of 2023. It helps us in different situations and problems. And since our team is quite diverse, everyone uses it for something slightly different.

How does our team use this tool, which problems can it handle easily and which ones are more challenging?

Marek, CEO and web analyst

From a CEO’s perspective, I have trained my own GPT in the paid version of ChatGPT and called it “Coach for CEOs”. I explained what kind of company we are, gave him handouts and information from our website. Then I explained that his role was to consult with me on topics and inspirations relevant to the company. I contact him when I need to address a specific topic. Such as what to prepare before a conference, before joining a podcast, etc. In the past, one would probably Google it, but now we can turn to artificial intelligence. This way I don’t have to read several articles where different information is repeated and intertwined. I get a summarised message from GPT.

Another topic for me is, for example, preparing for a workshop where I don’t have to start with a blank sheet. I’ll take an internal directive or template and then kick through a trained agent what they would recommend or how they would start. That way I get an overview of what to look out for and what steps I need to take.

At the same time, I use ChatGPT to “say something different”. Whether it’s reworking the text in an email, headlines, etc. I also often use it to summarise articles so I don’t have to read the whole thing. That way I only read a short summary.

For the more technical stuff, I’ve been able to generate sample dates, such as giving the prompt “generate me the dates of all the Thursdays in the year”.

On the fun side, I find it quite amusing to have funny stories generated as part of my relaxation and prompting practice. For example, I’ve had two other episodes of The Office series created this way, only from an IT background. Sometimes you need to be patient with this. Not to get demotivated by the first nine bad results, because the tenth one can come out nicely. Of course, you have to take those results with a grain of salt.

Pavel, data analyst

I use ChatGPT for a variety of tasks. From programming, data processing, writing, solving routine and monotonous tasks to education. I take ChatGPT as a very capable assistant.

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For programming or data processing, I use it to generate ideas to solve problems. Very useful in these tasks is to use Chain of thought prompting. I tell ChatGPT to break down a complex task and solve it step by step. Just add this simple request and the quality of the result changes dramatically.

Otherwise, when I already have a solution in my head, I program it with ChatGPT. Of course, the result has to be tested and it doesn’t always work and do what I would expect. At least it gives me a basic skeleton that I can then fix and modify myself according to my needs. 

ChatGPT is also excellent when I need to generate synthetic data for certain tasks. I just have to describe to him how the data should look like and he generates it within a minute. Saves me a lot of time when I would have to write the data myself manually or write a script to generate it. 

ChatGPT is a hugely valuable assistant in debugging as well, where it can quickly analyse potential problems. It can’t always pinpoint them and solve them accurately. But in most cases it can at least give me a direction on where I should focus in analysing the problem.

ChatGPT and education

My other use of ChatGPT is education. ChatGPT is a large language model, not an information search engine. So one must be wary of hallucinating when asking for some factual information. That’s why I totally don’t recommend using ChatGPT to educate yourself in an area you know nothing about. However, for furthering your knowledge in an area you already have some familiarity with, ChatGPT is a great tool. If I want to understand a complex mathematical concept, having a discussion on that topic with chatGPT is very beneficial. ChatGPT is good at making useful analogies, etc.

In general, chatGPT is a very good helper for a variety of tasks. But it is not good to use it blindly. If I don’t know anything about the topic I want to write about (whether in programming, education, writing factual articles, etc.), it’s better to go somewhere else. Having knowledge about the area I want to solve a problem with ChatGPT is important for validating the output and not being fooled by hallucinations.

Tom, Web Analyst

I use ChatGPT primarily for writing javascript and SQL code, in the case of regular expressions. These are the top 3 most common questions on ChatGPT. Of course the AI doesn’t always write all the code for you. In most cases just a small part of the code is enough. I use it in times when I’m simply not sure of the command to use. AI is faster than searching on stackoverflow and similar platforms.

Another cool use of ChatGPT is writing articles. There’s nothing easier than giving the AI a topic I need to elaborate on and listing the important points I need to highlight. ChatGPT then takes care of the rest, and it’s up to me to proofread afterwards, or add information or my own experience. Otherwise, deleting unnecessary paragraphs that don’t make sense. The advantage is that with ChatGPT you can also choose the tone in which the article should be written. However, it doesn’t always work in a way that is usable. For example, asking ChatGPT to write an article humorously has backfired on me. The AI took it so humorously that it was unusable.

Kristyna, Marketing and HR

I mainly use ChatGPT for editing and writing articles, texts, descriptions and other articles that then go on our website or social networks. By not being a data or web analyst, it’s great to get help from AI to write, for example, the introduction part of an article without disturbing our specialists. Then the analyst can fully focus on the main content and use his/her practical experience and examples as well.

AI can also be used perfectly in so-called roleplaying. So, for example, if I’m looking for an audience to target on social media, ChatGPT is a great source of inspiration. In this case, it is very important to clearly define the rules to the AI and specifically present the situation to it so that we can get the answers we need from it.

Of course, it’s important to check everything after the AI, as often challenging topics can be a bit of a challenge even for the AI. So it happens that there is a lot of repetition, the text doesn’t make sense, and in the case of role playing it doesn’t want to give us the answer because we didn’t specify the prompt enough. A consistent check is therefore necessary.


Newly, we also received in-house training from Peter Panzner from Czech Online Solutions (ej:aj) on how to use ChatGPT better and more efficiently, how to create proper prompts and its deeper functioning. We definitely recommend Peter. His explanation was clear, he answered every question we had, the content of the training was enriching and overall it was a very pleasant and friendly experience.

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