How User Behavior Analysis Can Help Grow Your E-Shop 

Currently, in the realm of analytics and campaign evaluation, and generally in marketing costs, user behavior analysis is frequently discussed. Such analysis is increasingly becoming the key to a successful online business, whether it’s an e-shop or a blog.

Advantages of User Behavior Analysis

  • Improvement of User Experience: UBA (User Behavior Analysis) helps you identify problematic areas on your website that hinder conversions. This allows you to optimize the design, navigation, and functionality of the site to better meet your customers’ needs.
  • Increase in Conversions: By understanding how customers behave on your website, you can better target your marketing campaigns and personalize offers. This will lead to increased conversions and profit maximization.
  • Reduction of Bounce Rate: User behavior analysis helps you discover why customers leave your website without making a purchase. You can then implement strategies to keep them on the site and encourage them to buy.
  • Gaining a Competitive Advantage: In today’s competitive environment, deep understanding of customers is key to differentiating yourself from competitors. UBA helps you better understand your target groups and create an e-shop that truly attracts them.

Technical Complexity and Feasibility

UBA implementation can be done in a basic variant, and with tools like Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics 4, you can achieve adequate data for further development. Using Looker, we can subsequently provide you with clear reports about your customers.

For more complex user behavior analysis, such as heatmapping and recording user visits, there are more advanced tools and techniques. In this case, we are talking about advanced qualitative analysis, which requires more time and resources. On the other hand, it provides much more valuable data for subsequent development. We will ensure this for you with useful tools and our analytics team.

Tools for User Behavior Analysis

  • Google Analytics: Offers basic UBA metrics like CTR, time spent on the page, and bounce rate.  
  • Smartlook: Provides heatmaps, user visit recordings, and other functions for user behavior analysis.
  • Google Tag Manager: Provides an environment for measuring user behavior on the website.
  • Looker: A reporting and visualization tool that makes sense of your data and provides valuable insights.
Other Aspects to Consider:
  • Data Privacy: When implementing UBA, it is important to comply with applicable data protection regulations, such as GDPR and Consent Mode v2.
  • Data Interpretation: Analyzing UBA data is not always straightforward. It’s important to have an analyst on the team who can interpret the data and derive useful insights.
  • Action Based on Data: Understanding user behavior is just the first step. It’s also important to implement changes based on the data that will lead to website optimization and conversion growth.

Do you want to have control over your business, grow, and advance in the market? Then you need to perfectly know your customers and their behavior! Our Archetix team will gladly help you with this, and with the data obtained, you will be able to clearly target potential customers. Arrange a free consultation with us, where we will propose possible solutions.

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