Google Analytics – Firebase

Measuring app usage, as absurd as it may sound, has always been a tricky business. Memorists may remember the original Google Analytics SDK that bending Google Analytics for mobile apps had and whose support ended in 2019. 

Things have changed a lot and now developers can leverage the robust Firebase solution and specifically the Firebase Analytics part of it or if you want Google Analytics for Firebase to measure mobile app usage. This event-driven data model allows you to measure any interaction in a mobile app on both Android and iOS platforms in one system. 

The library can measure part of the event itself, the rest is up to a skilled analyst or developer to set up. 

Why we use it

If you want to know what’s happening in your app, Firebase is the way to go. The basic implementation is not too complex and once your developers learn how to work with the library no event will be a problem.

A huge advantage of Google Analytics for Firebase is the easy ability to export data to Google Big Query, which opens up the possibility of machine processing the data and connecting it to other data sources. 

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